What Colleges Are Doing To Become More Transfer Friendly

Transferring from one college to another is something that many students need to do. Admission for freshmen is competitive so if a person does not get into the school of their choice right away they can start at another program and finish up there. Many transfer-friendly colleges will accept these credits.

Colleges are accepting transfer students because they have shown they were able to succeed in a college setting. Students that have transferred to a four-year school have a graduation rate of around 60 percent. This is the same rate for the students that began at this school.

Many schools admit transfer students. Schools are looking to admit as many as 99 percent of the students that transfer in. 

Ivy League schools are not allowing as many but they are allowing transfer students. There is a change in the way colleges are thinking of transfer students. They see that these students are on a career pathway. They are working hard to get their degree. Schools are beginning to understand that there are times when life can get in the way and students may not be able to go full-time or to the school of their choice. College is also expensive. If a student takes their general education classes at a community college they can save a lot of money. Colleges are becoming more understanding of life situations.

There are some things that a student should do if they know they are going to transfer. The first thing is they need to make sure the school they want to attend will accept their transfer credit. They should look at the requirements and make sure their current classes meet this plan. An academic advisor can help. They can help the students pick classes that are going to transfer and help them on a career path. The sooner a student starts with this research the better off they will be.

When a person does apply to the school they are looking to finish at they should treat the application with the same care that an incoming new student would. They need to make sure their grades in college are good and get letters of recommendation from their professors. Just because a person was already enrolled in a higher education program does not mean they will get automatically accepted as a transfer student. They need to take this seriously and put effort into their application. Transfer friendly colleges will have someone on staff to help.

Essays are important when applying to a college. If a person is not happy with their current school they should not mention the negatives. They should focus on what they have learned so far and how transferring will help further their educational goals. No one wants to know about negative things. If a person is not happy with their transfer school they do not want them to trash them in the future.

A student may need to take the SAT exams before they transfer. They need to look at the requirements of the school and know everything they need to include in their application. This will allow their application to be processed promptly. If there is information missing the application will be delayed which can cost a student admittance.

These are some tips to help a transfer student. Colleges are becoming more friendly to transfer students and their life situations. Transfer friendly colleges want to make sure they are on a good career path. Transfer students can get their degree at the school that they want with some hard work and determination.

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